Most of the time, the weight and dimensions of your vintage Volkswagen seem like useless information,
but there will be times when you'll wish you knew those measurements. Knowing the weight, dimensions
and specifications of your vintage volkswagen can come in handy sometimes. Let's say you just bought
a new project VW, but the Department Of Motor Vehicles in your State won't transfer the title into your
name until you can supply them with the weight! "Yeah, like I'm gonna know that!"
Well, the tables below list all the vehicle weights you'll ever need to know. Just step through the pages
until you find your vehicle, print out that page and show it to the DMV - problem solved!
Or let's say you've found an original-paint '63 Kombi that you want to buy, and your girlfriend has agreed to
let you store it in her garage for the winter, so you really need to know if it'll fit through the
77" tall opening. Just check out the dimensions below and you'll instantly know whether or not your
bus will be able to squeeze through the doorway. Note that the weights shown in column #1 are "unladen weight"
values which describe the weight of the vehicle when it's ready for operation, but excludes the weight
of any passengers, goods or other items.